I meet a lot of people who tell me that they want to make changes in their lives.
But I’ve noticed that most people just aren’t willing to put in the work that it takes to make it happen.
Excuses abound, the clock keeps ticking away, and everything stays the same.
And the complaining continues.
We can wish for great and wonderful things until we are blue in the face, but without a decision to make a change and the action required to support that decision, we will find that precious time has passed and we are in the exact same place as we were months, years, and even decades later.
I’ve heard it said that simply wishing for a better life and not doing something about it means we “have a wishbone where our backbone should be.”
Friends, don’t let this be you.
I pray that you will kick your “wishbone” to the curb and make the decision to implement the changes necessary to live the life you always envisioned.
You CAN make a change.
You CAN feel amazing every day.
You CAN get out of debt.
You CAN take steps to restore that broken relationship.
Whatever it is, you CAN.