How to Quit Diet Soda
Diet soda.
The bubbly goodness. The captivating fizz. The refreshing taste. Ahhhhh.
What could be so bad about something that feels so right?
So, let’s jump right in–here are the top reasons that you should be drinking diet soda:
<Cue crickets>
<Cue tumbleweeds>
<Cue creepy 1960’s western movie music>
I got nothing.
I know you’ve heard it by now. You know, about how horrible “they” say diet soda is for your health. And I’d love to tell you that “they” are overreacting about how diet soda will surely usher in the Apocalypse. But I can’t argue with them. Because I have every reason to believe that “they” are correct.
That said, I came up with a few reasons that you should drink diet soda.
You should drink diet soda if:
- You are a fan of depression and anxiety
- You are striving to increase the rate at which your teeth decay
- You think it would be awesome to experience the esophageal burning associated with acid reflux on a regular basis
- You’d love to up your chances for obesity.
- Diabetes is appealing to you
These are just a few of the risk factors associated with drinking soda. This article isn’t intended to give you an in-depth look at why you shouldn’t drink the bubbly stuff, but if you’d like to know more about this troublesome beverage, check out this link by Dr. Mercola.
So what is the point of this article? Well, I want to give you my top tips to help you quit diet soda today. Because, chances are, either you or someone close to you is dealing with a diet soda addiction.
Tip #1: Find An Accountability Partner
Let’s call your (or your friend’s *wink, wink*) inability to go a day without diet soda what it is: an addition. We tend to associate the word “addiction” with what we consider to be extreme substances or behaviors, such as drugs or gambling. However, an addiction is, according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, “a strong and harmful need to regularly have something or do something.” Therefore, it is extremely likely that most of us <insert me raising my hand here> have struggled with some sort of addiction at some point in our lives. And most of us would probably agree that fighting an addiction alone is no fun. That why finding an accountability partner is my first tip for how to quit diet soda.
Everyone knows that accountability gives us an advantage when we are striving to reach a goal. Let your friends and family know that you are trying to get healthier by trying to quit diet soda. Join forces with a special person that will hold you accountable regarding this goal. You may hate them in the moment that they leap across the room in order to knock the soda can out of your hand, but you’ll thank them later.
Tip #2: Ditch Then Switch
If you read this post, you know that I am passionate about swapping unhealthy foods and drinks versus suddenly eliminating them. Why? Because ditching something (in this case, diet soda) from your daily routine can leave you feeling a little lost and a whole lot grumpy. Basically, this strategy sets you up for failure. Why not set yourself up for success?
What should you replace your daily fix of diet soda with, you ask? You have several options, but my absolute favorite diet soda replacement is a high-quality (no preservatives or artificial anything) all-natural caffeine-free energy drink. This beverage is a perfect swap because the vitamins and minerals in this type of drink give you a natural boost to help with the headaches and energy slumps you are likely to experience when drastically reducing your caffeine intake. In addition, these vitamins help to build your body and boost your immune system.
Another replacement option when you quit diet soda is flavored water. I know a lot of people do not like water, but there are some great recipes out there that are healthy and tasty. Have you tried my Skinny & Fit Lemon Coconut Detox Water? I drink it every morning! Try it out and let me know what you think! Of course, Pinterest offers a never-ending supply of healthy flavored water recipes! If you do go the bottled-flavored-water route, please read the labels before you buy as many of these “healthy drinks” are full of junk.
Tip #3: Get Back On the Wagon
Any change comes with its own unique set of challenges. Therefore, there is a very good chance that, at some point, you’ll fall off of the proverbial wagon and find yourself huddled in a corner drinking a diet soda. Slip ups happen, but they are not an excuse to give up on your goal. If you mess up, kick the dust off of your heels and immediately start fresh with your goal.
Tip #4: Don’t Beat Yourself Up
This tip is directly related to tip #3. I don’t know about you, but I tend to beat up on myself when I experience failure. If I’m not careful, this attitude can cause me to spiral into a pit of self-loathing that definitely does not put me closer to reaching my goals. Be careful with the self-talk that you allow in your life. When you hit a bump in the road, speak to yourself as if you were trying to encourage a friend who just experienced some sort of failure. You wouldn’t say to her “You idiot! What were you thinking?” or “You’ll always be fat! Just get used to it!”. These phrases sound harsh (and they are), and we feed ourselves these kinds of lies all the time. Go into your quest to quit diet soda with the attitude that you will ultimately succeed, even if you experience a bump (or two) in the road. Let’s agree to refer to these “bumps” as “plot twists,” okay?
Tip #5: Attitude Is Everything
If you go into your plan to quit diet soda with a negative attitude, you will likely fail in your attempt to reach you goal. You must decide that you are going to give up the bubbly stuff and stick to your guns. A positive and determined mindset is important in every facet of our lives, and this particular issue is no different. As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, you have not truly made a decision until you take the action required to make the goal associated with that decision a reality. [Tweet “There is a big difference between being interested in making a change and actually making a change. The difference? Action. “]You can do it!
Do you have any tips for kicking the diet soda habit? I want to know! Comment below with your thoughts.