Have you ever noticed that once you start trying to make positive changes in your life that circumstances, people, and life in general seems to wage war against you?
Good. That means you’re doing something right!
Are some people trying to hold you back from accomplishing your goals? Excellent. You’re on the right track!
Is the change painful or uncomfortable? Great. That means you’re growing!
Expect the speed bumps in life when you set out to become a better you.
It’s not a matter of “if,” but “when” they will come along. So, grab those crayons, color outside the lines, and make the world a more colorful place. It needs the gifts you have to give.
Marsha Hicks
Yes, it can be painful and aggravating when your Accountability Partner calls you out…but only for a moment… then you’re glad she was there to keep you strong! Thanks!!